Savings Accounts
Unique ways to save.
Product Features | TraditionalSavings | Round UpSavings | Money MarketSavings |
Minimum to open | $100 ($25 for minors) | $100 | $100 |
Minimum balance required | $100 | $100 | $2,500 minimum or $10,000 average balance |
Monthly maintenance charge | $3 if balance falls below minimum requirement | $3 if balance falls below minimum requirement | $10 if balance falls below minimum requirement |
Interest | Interest earned daily and credited quarterly with $100 average balance | Interest earned daily and credited quarterly with $100 average balance | Interest earned and credited monthly based on the following tiers Over $2,500 Over $10,000 Over$50,000 Over $100,000 |
Withdrawal limits | Three per month | Three per month | Up to six per month; restrictions apply1 |
Transaction fees | $1 for each withdrawal over limit | $1 for each withdrawal over limit | Transactions over six may be subject to $5 per item charge |
- 1 Federal regulations allow 6 transfers or withdrawals from your account per monthly statement cycle, including preauthorized, automatic or telephone transfers.