Savings Accounts

Unique ways to save.

TraditionalSavingsRound UpSavingsMoney MarketSavings
Minimum to open$100 ($25 for minors)$100$100
Minimum balance required$100$100$2,500 minimum or $10,000 average balance
Monthly maintenance charge$3 if balance falls below minimum requirement$3 if balance falls below minimum requirement$10 if balance falls below minimum requirement
InterestInterest earned daily and credited quarterly with $100 average balanceInterest earned daily and credited quarterly with $100 average balanceInterest earned and credited monthly based on the following tiers
Over $2,500
Over $10,000
Over $100,000
Withdrawal limitsThree per monthThree per monthUp to six per month; restrictions apply1
Transaction fees$1 for each withdrawal over limit$1 for each withdrawal over limitTransactions over six may be subject to $5 per item charge
  • 1 Federal regulations allow 6 transfers or withdrawals from your account per monthly statement cycle, including preauthorized, automatic or telephone transfers.
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